Luulemaraton Helsingis: Balti luuleõhtu | EV100

MTÜ Eesti Instituut levitab teadmisi Eesti ühiskonna ja kultuuri kohta. Peamised tegevused on Eestit tutvustavate trükiste väljaandmine ja näituste koostamine, eesti kultuurisündmuste korraldamine välismaal (eelkõige Soomes ja Ungaris), eesti keele ja kultuuri välisõppe korraldamine (rahvuskaaslaste programm), kultuuriportaali haldamine, infovahetus nii Eesti-siseselt kui ka suunaga välismaale. Instituudi tegevused on suunatud nii Eesti elanikele, siin viibivatele välismaalastele, väliseestlastele ja kokkuvõttes kõigile, kes Eesti maa, eesti keele ja kultuuri vastu huvi tunnevad. * The task of the Estonian Institute (established in 1989) is to spread information about Estonian society and culture in other countries, further cultural and educational links and organise the teaching of Estonian language and culture outside Estonia. Institute has published information booklets and periodicals about Estonia, compiled web pages, organised festivals, exhibitions, conferences and seminars, received journalists, researchers and lecturers, translators and writers, opened culture and information centres in other countries, granted scholarships. In order to make Estonia better known in the world, the Institute describes Estonia and its people in their entirety, emphasising the relations between different fields of society as they appear in everyday life. Culture is a phenomenon, created and carried by people regardless of their profession and age. The Institute does not thus limit its daily work with introducing literature, art, film, music and other fine arts, but spreads information also about Estonian education, economy, natural environment, social organisation and other areas of life, which all directly or indirectly shape Estonian culture, and therefore also the Estonians’ life.