Essential Estonian — a fun and short course to introduce the language and culture of Estonia by language learning startup Lingvist | EV100

We didn’t want to create another introductory Estonian course. Instead, we wanted to make it fun and contextual – to talk about things Estonians really talk about. While the course kicks off with essentials like “Thank you!” and “Hi!” not all of the phrases in the course are incredibly practical. However we hope that learning phrases like “Vanaema kudus mulle villased sokid ” (“My grandma knitted woollen socks for me”) will help break the ice and make friends with the otherwise poker-faced Estonians.

The learning experience is enriched through engaging, amusing facts on Estonian language and life, vivid photos, and friendly audio voiced by our very own Hanna-Leana Taoubi.

Lingvist is a language learning app that uses statistical analysis and machine learning to make language learning fast and efficient. While Essential Estonian is based on Lingvist’s innovative adaptive learning technology, the content for this course was sourced in-house by the company’s team of linguists, language experts, and resident Estonians.

The course is accessible via the Lingvist iOS and Andoid apps and through the browser at