Estonian cemetery refurbishment, clean up and deteriorated gravestone repair/ replacement . | EV 100

Estonia’s Comprehensive Cemetery Refurbishment

Initially obtaining a registry of all known and documented cemeteries will be required. Divide the list to each city, town ,village ,and church. Select volunteers for each location. Install a volunteer leader for each location and organize teams that will together support each location. Create a central repository of all important data. Communicate a “call to action” from each location but have all information available via central database to interested viewers as many families live in diverse locations throughout Estonia and many outside of Estonia. Coordinate with Estonian firms that manufacture and carve new headstones, repair existing ones for discount pricing as the increase in business opportunity for them is an opportunity for all to team up to assure quality and pricing of new headstones are realized. Coordinate clean up teams at each location. Coordinate trash and debris removal. Finally, work to restore names and key information from each gravestone in each cemetery. Respecting those who have died and improving the quality of all cemeteries will be a gift that all can participate in giving and view the completion of this work for generations to come.” I offer my time and energy to lead this effort and call on EV100 to support and add this gift idea to our growing list. Additional specifics to my gift idea will be provided. I am passionate in making sure we invest time, energy and funding if necessary to assure those that made Estonia a great country are not forgotten. Parimate soovidega, Aavo Reinfeldt