EV100 in Sunstate Florida | EV100

Estonia is equally at the heart of both foreign and domestic Estonians. EV100 Celebration in Florida is a gift to Estonia, all Estonians, and Estonian friends around the world. Estonians have the opportunity once again feel themselves united as one million, to be among the people of their country, and to recognize that little Estonia was, is and will be! For non-Estonians, we want to show how deep are our  Estonian roots, how big is our culture and how noble is the spirit of the people!

In the EV100 Florida party, the Estonian President’s speech will be viewed. There will be a speech by the representative of the New York State Consulate of the Republic of Estonia. As a special guest, there will be a musician, writer and entertainer Mihkel Raud who also presents his new book “The Manual for Estonian “. In addition, the musical performance is performed by the violinist, who performs also the music of composer Raimond Valgre. There will be video viewing about Estonians in Florida and dance by the Estonian music.

Party is a gift for Estonia on the 100th Anniversary!