LAT. EST – New Latvian (performance)artists | EV100

LAT.ESTFestival introducing new Latvian (performing) artists at Kanuti Gildi SAAL

20th – 25th  November 2018

To celebrate the centennial of Latvia and Estonia, Kanuti Gildi SAAL and New Theatre Institute of Latvia are holding festivals in Riga and in Tallinn, introducing the newest stances, attitudes, values, and actions in performing arts of the two neighbours.The festival in Riga took place right before the anniversary of Estonia in Februray and Maike Lond Malmborg, Iggy Lond Malmborg, Mart Kangro, Eero Epner, Juhan Ulfsak, Theare NO99 were invited to be part of it. Also the theatre piece “The First to Leave” reflecting on Livonians and created by Estonian and Latvian artists had its premiere there.

LAT.EST festival will take place at Kanuti Gildi SAAL right after the centennial of Latvia and will introduce the thoughts and deeds of the contemporary Latvian (performing) artists. It is also dedicated to the collaboration and to all that brings us together.

At the core of the both festivals in Riga and in Tallinn is the distinctive piece about Livonians called “The First to Leave“. Even though the attitude towards Livonians is different in each country, this nation has played an important role in the context of statehood and different ideologies governing Latvia and Estonia. The fate of Livonians stands as a reminder about the impermanent nature of all things in the world and a warning that disappearance of a small nation can be quick and imminent. The performance takes a closer look at the role of each country’s politics in the life of Livonians and what does it mean to be a Livonian today. Eventually, it asks a question: Is the disappearance really a tragedy? The authors of “The First to Leave” are composer Toms Auniņš, set designers Austra Hauks and Epp Kubu, choreographers Joanna Kalm and Karolin Poska, visual and video artist Kristina Norman, dramaturg, director, and performer Kārlis Krūmiņš, and director Valters Sīlis. Chamber choir Collegium Musicale and Estonian dancers will be part of the perfomances held in Tallinn.

“CONNEXT” – a piece by Rūta Ronja Pakalne and Laura Kvelstein – was awarded to be the best dance piece of 2018 at the Estonian Annual Theatre Awards on the World Theatre Day. Unfortunately, this subtle and thought-provoking piece has not been seen by many aficionados so far. Now there is a chance to see it on Thursday, the 23rd of November.

On Friday, a unique meeting between video artists from the both countries will take place. Katrīna Neiburga, Austra Hauks & Jānis Sniķers, and Emer Värk will be showing their more or less award-winning works in the form of audio and video during this evening event.

During the week-end, there will be an exceptional occasion to experience the cinematic environment called ”THIRST” by Voldemārs Johansons, one of the best known and renowned Latvian artists. This work has been shown in many museums and galleries during the last few years. This powerful multimedia installation will be available for audience only for two days during the festival LAT.EST in Tallinn.

LAT.EST is organized by Kanuti Gildi SAAL in collaboration with New Theatre Institute of Latvia and is part of the culture programmes EV100 and LV100.