Merepääste teemakuu | EV100

Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet korraldab esmakordselt merepäästet tutvustava teemakuu, mis pakub tegevust merepäästjatele kui kõigile huvilistele. Sündmus on pühendatud Eesti Vabariigi 100. sünnipäevale.

Merepääste teemakuu raames toimub rahvusvaheline merepäästekonverents, mis toob kokku nii kutselised kui vabatahtlikud merepäästjad Läänemere piirkonnast, samuti toimuvad avatud uste päevad PPA kordonites ja teenistuskohtades, aga ka vabatahtlike päästejaamades. Teemakuu lõpetab 20. mail Tallinnas toimuv merepääste kutseoskuste võistlus ja perepäev, kuhu on oodatud kõik huvilised. Kuu jooksul pööratakse suurt rõhku mereohutusest ning otsingu- ja päästetööde läbiviimisest rääkimisele.

Estonian Police and Border Guard Board organizes the international search and rescue conference „SAR: Chance Favours the Prepared“, which is held on April 26-27 on board Silja Europa. 

Thursday, April 26, 2018

10.30–11.30 meeting at Passenger Terminal D, Port of Tallinn (Lootsi 13), 2nd floor. Please look for SAR Conference banners at the check-in desks. After receiving your travel documents please proceed to the ship. 11.30–12.00 registration to the Conference on deck 6. Please look for SAR Conference banners. Welcome coffee. 

12.00–14.10 Opening of the Conference. Part I „SAR: what is our direction?“

12.30 Silja Europa departs from Tallinn 14.15–15.15 buffet lunch (Restaurant on deck 8) 

15.15–17.00 Part II „SAR: Hands on!“

16.00 Silja Europa arrives to Helsinki 17.00–17.30 coffee break

17.30–19.45 Part III „SAR: Accidents in/and Incidents“

18.30 Silja Europa departs Helsinki 20.30 buffet dinner (Restaurant on deck 8)  

22.00 Silja Europa arrives to Tallinn

Friday, April 27, 2018 

07.00–8.30 buffet breakfast (Restaurant on deck 8)  
9.00–11.00 Panel discussion „Challenges in search and rescue activities in the changing world“ 
11.00–11.30 disembarkation in Passenger Terminal D, Port of Tallinn (Lootsi 13)

Conference speakers are: 

Capt Udo Fox (IMRF Chairman)

Udo Fox is Trustee and Chairman of International Maritime Rescue Organization. Udo is a Master Mariner, and a Master of Business Administration. He has been Executive Director of the German Maritime SAR Service (DGzRS) since 2001, and before that Chief of the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre at Bremen. He has done much work at, and on behalf of, the IMO and the EU, and is a Visiting Professor at the World Maritime University.

Capt Anthony Popiel (US Coast Guard Liaison to the EU)

Captain Popiel has served on active duty for more than 30 years in a variety of capacities. His experience includes two major operational commands, three years in the US Senate as the Coast Guard’s liaison, deputy director of incident management and preparedness policy at USCG headquarters and two trips to Antarctica on the icebreaker POLAR SEA. His specialty areas include search and rescue, marine environmental response, port security, and contingency planning and crisis management. He has extensive experience as a SAR mission coordinator at a variety of rescue coordination centers around the United States. Captain Popiel earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Management from the US Coast Guard Academy and a Master’s in Public Administration from George Mason University. He also served as a fellow in the Foreign Policy section at the Brookings Institution. He and his wife Jayne have two adult sons. He is originally from Lorain, Ohio.

• Tarvi-Carlos Tuulik (AS Tallink Grupp)

Captain Tarvi-Carlos Tuulik is the head of ship management at AS Tallink Grupp since 2014. He is master mariner, newbuilding’s project manager of the ro-ro pax ferries. Has been with the Group since 2000 and since 2004 as a Captain onboard passenger ferries. Holds a Master’s degree in Naval Science and Operational Studies from St. Petersburg Maritime Academy, 1994.

• Teemu Niemelä (Finnish Border Guard)

Teemu Niemelä is Lieutenant Senior Grade in Finnish Border Guard. He has worked at the Finnish Border Guard over 25 years. His career in the FBG consist different posts at Coast Guard stations and Coast Guard vessels in the Gulf of Finland Coast Guard District 1993-2016. Teemu Niemelä is currently working at the Finnish Border Guard Headquarters as a project advisor and work package leader in the ChemSAR project.

• Petteri Leppänen (Finnish Border Guard)

• Petteri Salli (Finnish Border Guard)

Petteri Salli is Lieutenant Commander in Finnish Border Guard. He has seven years of experience at operative level in FBG, two years of experience at education in FBG. Since 2015 he is the commanding officer of Command center / MRSC Helsinki.

Jori Nordström (Finnish Lifeboat Institution)

For the moment Jori works as a Head of Operations and Deputy Director at The Finnish Lifeboat Institution. He is responsible for the safe and efficient operations of the Institutions 135 rescue vessels manned by 1 400 volunteer crewmembers. Prior to this he worked on a fixed term contract for the Finnish Safety Investigation Authority as a Maritime Safety Investigator, where he has been working also as a part-time expert since 2012. Before this Jori had recently returned to the Finnish Lifeboat Institution after his secondment to the Finnish Border Guard, Project Managing the Vessel TRIAGE Project. Even before this he worked as a Head of Training for five years, managing the building of the new revised training system for the volunteer crewmembers. From 2006 to 2009 he was also responsible for the planning, building and deployment of the Institutions new Operations and Training Centre on Bågaskär Island on the Gulf of Finland. The Centre was taken into operational use in May 2009. Jori studied at the Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences, Marine Technology and gained his Master Mariners degree 2002. Prior to this he had a short, but intensive merchant navy career onboard Ro-Pax vessels and product tankers operating in the Baltic and the North Sea, before stranding in The Finnish Lifeboat Institution, year 2000. Jori is also a member of The National SAR Coordination Committee and an active asset for The Gulf of Finland Coast Guard District Search and Rescue Sub-Region (SRS) Management Board. In 2014 he was elected as the IMRF Regional Coordinator for Europe. This entails keeping regular contact with Maritime SAR organizations across Europe. In addition to the work mentioned Jori has still been an active volunteer and served as a lifeboat coxswain for more than 25 years, following in his father’s footsteps.

• Marit Mätik (Ministry of the Interior)

• Gerrit Veeberg (Estonian Police and Border Guard Board)

After graduating from the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences in 2006, Gerrit went to work as an investigative intelligence officer at Paide Police Station. He worked there until 2015 when he was offered to become Head of Internal Control Division of West Prefecture. 

• Dan Heering (Estonian Maritime Academy)

Eesti Meremuuseumi ning Politsei- ja Piirivalveameti koostöös toimub põnevust täis mereperepäev Lennusadamas!

VÄLIALAL toimub:12.00 Politsei- ja Piirivalveameti orkester12.00-19.00 Merepääste kutseoskustevõistlused14.00 Lõuna-Eesti veepäästekoerte grupp “Märjad käpad” demoPäästekopteri ja jeti demonstratsioonidKogu päeva:- saab tutvust saab teha päästekoertega- Eesti Mereakadeemia maskott Triibert õpetab tegema meremehesõlmi- avatud on ennetustelk

Osalemine tasuta.

MUUSEUMIS (vesilennukite angaaris) toimub:12.30 ekskursioon lastele koos Lõvi Leoga13.00 Eesti laevanduse aastaraamatu ja „100 aastat kiilu all. Eesti lugu laevades“ raamatu esitlus14.00 avatud meremeeste vestlusringKella 12-16 avatud meisterdamisala!

Sissepääs muuseumipiletiga.

Lisainfo: sündmuse leht Facebookis

Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet ootab kõiki huvilisi oma jaoskondadesse, kordonitesse ja teenistuskohtadesse tutvuma merepäästevarustuse ja merepäästjate tööga. Teemakuu algab rahvusvahelise merepäästekonverentsiga “SAR: Chance Favours the Prepared” ning selle lõpetab perepäev ja merepääste kutseoskustevõistlus Tallinnas Lennusadamas.


26.-27. aprill rahvusvaheline merepäästekonverents

20. mai mereperepäev ja merepääste kutseoskustevõistlused Lennusadamas


28. aprillil toimub Hiiumaal Salinõmmes Avatud sadamate päev , kus on väljas ka PPA merepäästeüksus

4. mai päästevesti kandmise kampaania TS Laevad parvlaeval (Virtsu-Kuivastu)

4. mail tutvustavad merepäästjad oma tööd Kuivastu sadamas koostöös vabatahtlike merepäästjatega (samal ajal kui Kuivastu-Virtsu vahelisel liinil kampaania, kellaaeg täpsustamisel)

18. mai päästevesti kandmise kampaania TS Laevad parvlaeval (Rohuküla ja Heltermaa)

19. mail toimub Haapsalus kordonis punase raketi ja merepääste üritus. Osalejateks on politsei, pääste ja vabatahtlik merepääste. Kellaaeg täpsustamisel.

26. mail toimub Hiiumaal Orjaku sadamasTuulekalafestival , kus on väljas ka PPA merepäästeüksus

26. mail on PPA merepäästeüksus Pärnu Jahtklubi kai ääres, kellaeg täpsustamisel

27. mail algusega kell 12 on PPA merepäästeüksus oma tööd tutvustamas Pere-Merepäeval Virtsu kalasadamas koos Pärnumaa vabatahtlikega


5. mai Mustvee sadamas – veesõidukid Piiri-Liisu, hõljuk, M-78 ning varustus, võimalus õppida viskeliini ja päästerõnga viskamist

5. mai Varnja teenistuskoha esine – veesõidukid Boomeranger ja M-75, päästevarustus

5. mai Mehikoorma teenistuskoha esine – veesõidukid Boomeranger ja M-76, hõljuk, päästevarustus

19. mai kell 10.00 – 16.00 näidatakse Setomaa vallas Väike-Rõsnas Värska teenistuskohas tehnikat ning päästevarustust, kaasatud on ka kohalik päästekomando oma vahenditega


12. mai kell 10.00-11.00 Narva Kevadregatt 2018 raames Kulgu sadamas PUNASE RAKETI PÄEV

12. mail alates kella 10 ootab külalisi Alajõe teenistuskoht. Näha saab politsei mootorpaati, hõljukit ja jetti, päästevarustust

19. mai kell 10.00-15.00 Narva-Jõesuus SAR teemapäev – uued veesõidukid, päästejett, päästevarustus, võimalik harjutada viskeliini ja päästerõnga viskamist

Ajakava ja infot täiendame jooksvalt!
