“The Wisdom of Conscious Communities” | European Ecovillage Conference 2018 | EV100

On july 10-14 2018, more than 500 sustainability experts and pioneers from communities all over the world will gather in Lilleoru, Estonia. Among our guests there are some truly remarkable visionaries and pioneers of sustainable development.

Dr Vandana Shiva is a fierce advocate of organic farming and traditional communal wisdom and one of the most influential women in the World, according to Forbes magazine. Jakob von Uexkull is the founder of the World Future Council (2007) and the Right Livelihood Award (often called the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’), working with global civic society and political leaders to  implement necessary interventions to keep the society from the devastating effects of the climate chaos. Gunter Pauli is an entrepreneur and the pioneer of the socially and ecologically sustainable Blue Economy business model and movement that has created more than 3 million jobs and generated 4bln USD in investments since its inception in 2009. Jonathan Dawson is the Head of Economics at Schumacher College and a former President of the Global Ecovillage Network. Albert Bates is en environmental lawyer, innovator and permaculture expert. Since the UN summit at Kyoto he has been a GEN delegate to the COP climate conferences, aiming to point the world back towards a stable atmosphere using only natural methods.

Why is Estonia going to become the first organic country in the world?

We open the conference on July 10 with a co-creation day to create together a vision and an action plan for Estonia for next 100 years – of a community of 1.3 million enjoying cultural, social, economic and ecological sustainability. Visionaries and changemakers will come to share their stories of social change and community-led innovation from Singing Revolution to a World Cleanup Day. 

Very early bird price is valid until April 30. Register on our website: gen2018.ee