The Estonia 100 art initiative opened the doors of libraries for young artists | EV100

The personal and joint exhibitions of young artists in libraries included a variety of works by young people, from painting and ceramics to fashion and bookbinding, including works of art made from remains of repair works, watches and works of literary art.

‘The youth showed that art has no boundaries. Art is everywhere around us – just open your eyes, look and find it,’ said Mirjam Kaun, Coordinator of the ‘Arts into the Library’ initiative. As a good example, she highlighted the Viljandi Gümnaasium’s students travelling exhibition ‘The Quotes of Viljandi Painters’, which did not only travel in Viljandi County, but even crossed the country’s borders and reached the Plunge Library in Lithuania.

Mirjam Kaun, coordinator of the initiative, is delighted that libraries across Estonia came together for a common purpose and made a joint present for Estonia. ‘It was great to see how young artists took the first steps in advertising their art and saw their companions, other artists, from another point of view. Just like in the ‘Cinderella’ movie, every now and then a quiet youngster appeared with fascinating art, surprising both the ones close to them as well as the visitors,’ mentioned Kaun.

Thanks to the ‘Arts into the Library’ initiative, libraries were able to refresh their exhibition space with new rails, picture frames and display cases, giving them better opportunities to continue with art exhibitions in the future. In many places, libraries have already agreed with young artists that exhibitions will also be organised this year.

The ‘Arts into the Library’ (Kunst raamatukokku) initiative was part of the Estonia 100 programme.